TIMR 11 : aube shrines
A bit of a different flavour - though still music and design.
Darrin (of course) sold me Aube's Four Shrines - a series of collaborative cassettes from his label G.R.O.S.S. in 1996. The four cases are stuck on a red corrugated plastic cross, and a continuous red string weaves around to hold the covers closed. This was released under his real name Akifumi Nakajima and there are 3 duo collaborations and a final shrine which features all four artists. To be honest, it is not something I have played a lot but I love the look of it. It now sits as a small shrine on top of my bookcase with a couple of pieces my sister brought from South America and a St Francis Carol got in Italy. Along with my 3D Shroud of Turin postcard and windup fire-spitting nun it is a fairly godless room.
And in a lower 'niche' in my bespoke CD stand - made by Wilkins and Kent on Brunswick street (I have had about 4 CDbookcases from them and also a stereo stand which was made to my specs) are two Aube covers: Metal de metal which was the first one I bought and Seton. The disks are not in them but slimline covers in the A section - many of the most attractive covers are actually pretty inconvenient, short lived or dangerous: with this the metal band could wear, the metal or stone could damage the disk or with ChopShops lead one, unfolding the metal everytime would be laborious. I have a few Aube CDs and transferred cassettes, and it's music I will put on when I want some noise and distraction, but it isn't the most seductive of sounds. But in the right time and place, it works.
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